Obama warmists outnumbered 2 to 1 at Ted Cruz office

PJ Media reports:

President Obama’s perpetual campaign, Organizing for Action, staged a “climate change” rally in Georgetown today. The Free Beacon reports that no one showed up.

About 1500 miles away in Austin, Texas, OfA tried to pester Sen. Ted Cruz at his state office, on “climate change.” The climate in Austin in August is hot. It’s been that way for, I don’t know, nearly forever. Since mastodons roamed the plains, which is coincidentally the last time Democrats had a chance of winning anything statewide.

OfA’s leftists were badly outnumbered by the Cruz Crew.

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One thought on “Obama warmists outnumbered 2 to 1 at Ted Cruz office”

  1. Too bad conservatives have to work or more people against the GW fraud would be able to attend. As it is the warmist supporters are able to bus in paid demonstrators.

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