Obama coal rules wrecking Western Pennsylvania towns, lives, futures

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports:

In two Western Pennsylvania river towns where people once might have worried about air pollution, concern for workers losing their livelihoods could trump concern for human health and the environment if FirstEnergy Corp. turns off the lights at coal-fired power plants in October.

“There just aren’t many good-paying jobs left around here anymore. I’m fortunate to have this job,” said Melissa Morse, 30, a clerk at a 7-Eleven about a mile from Washington County’s Mitchell Power Station, one of the plants slated to close on Oct. 9.

The other is Hatfield’s Ferry Power Station in Greene County, across the Monongahela River from Masontown in Fayette County.

Some residents blame the Obama administration for more stringent environmental regulations taking effect in 2015, though for years some energy companies avoided installing costly scrubbers on power plants under earlier Environmental Protection Agency rules…

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7 thoughts on “Obama coal rules wrecking Western Pennsylvania towns, lives, futures”

  1. Ever since I satarted in civil service in 1985, the bane of my existence has been having to live with the consequences of decisions made by political appointees who have no in-depth understanding of the situation and no vested interest in the outcome.

  2. Anyone notice that the people pushing this lead very comfortable lives that will not in any way be affected by their decisions.

  3. Oh, but we have to save the planet, or bring America to it’s knees. One of the two.

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