New Nanny Study: Parents should only give children zero-calorie drinks and milk

Although only a small percentage of children are obese — and even a smaller percentage are obese because of caloric intake — no child should drink juice or have a soda as a treat?

From a Pediatrics media release:

Although sugar-sweetened beverage consumption has been linked to weight status in older children, its effect on preschoolers has been less clear. The study, “Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Weight Gain in 2- to5-Year-Old Children,” in the September 2013 Pediatrics (published online Aug. 5), found that 4- and 5-year-olds who drank one or more sugar-sweetened beverages a day, including soda, sports drinks or fruit drinks that are not 100 percent juice, were more likely to be overweight or obese. At age 2, there was not a link between sugary drinks and obesity, though these children had greater changes in their body mass index scores in the following two years than children who did not regularly drink sugary beverages at age 2. Researchers found regular drinkers of sugar-sweetened beverages also consumed less milk and were more likely to watch more than two hours of television daily. Study authors conclude that parents and caregivers should be discouraged from providing their children with sugar-sweetened beverages, and should instead offer them calorie-free beverages and milk.

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2 thoughts on “New Nanny Study: Parents should only give children zero-calorie drinks and milk”

  1. “Researchers found regular drinkers of sugar-sweetened beverages also consumed less milk and were more likely to watch more than two hours of television daily>”
    So now we have a purported scientific correlation between sweet beverages and TV? If you take away the TV, will they drink less-or if they drink less, will they watch less TV?

    That’s why we call the site :junk science”–to expose this kind of crap. And the researchers get paid for this.

  2. These are the kinds of people who would put all your trace stuff in capsules, then provide a diet of protein slurry and broccoli to keep your bowels going. Out upon them.
    And take their kids away. Anyway who despises fun this much should be kept far from kids or pets.

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