Nanny Stupidity of the Day: All Americans eating an extra serving of fruits/veggies per day would save 30,000 lives per year

Has anyone ever died from not eating enough fruit and vegetables?

The Union of Concerned Scientists claims:

If Americans ate just one more serving of fruits or vegetables per day, this would save more than 30,000 lives and $5 billion in medical costs each year.

17 thoughts on “Nanny Stupidity of the Day: All Americans eating an extra serving of fruits/veggies per day would save 30,000 lives per year”

  1. Can anyone disprove that 30,000 lives wouldn’t be saved? Belly laughs, rolled eyes and guffaws do not count.

  2. I’ve read that penguin tastes a lot like fish, but then I’ve had fish that tastes like chicken, and tuna can be Chicken of the Sea, and Starkist wants tunas that taste good, so now I’m quite confused. Cod help us all.

  3. The book didn’t say, but given the intense focus on the monotony of the diet, I would find it odd if they did not.

  4. And they would have done even better if they cared to consume the contents of their prey’s gut. Perhaps they did?

  5. Following the nanny logic.
    I just ate some grapes and I am alive. So therefore the reason I am alive is that I just ate grapes. Brilliant.

  6. Darn it, Jeff, you beat me to it.

    Yes, people have died from lack of fruits and vegetables due to not getting the vitamins they need. However, you can also get Vitamin C from fresh meat, so Shakleton’s disastrous expedition to the Antarctic avoided scurvy for two years through a constant supply of fresh penguin and seal.

  7. On the nannyism: it’s possible that a little more fiber and a little less fat would extend 30,000 lives per year, although it seems to me that there’s no way to reliably calculate that. But, as many commenters have noted here, the death rate in the end is one per person. Most of the 30,000 lives that UCS (what a gang of crocks!) claim to “save” would be elderly people, not that their lives are worth less but we’re not talking about giving 30,000 people a year a shot at 30 more years either.

  8. Well, yes, people have died from not eating fruits and vegetables.
    During long sea voyages on bread and meat, sailors fell ill and sometimes died of scurvy. Scurvy also occurred among armies sometimes when they were on hard rations, essentially the same diet of bread and meat. And scurvy was sometimes found in other settings, communities where crops had gone badly and in prisons.
    It’s also speculative, but not far-fetched, that some people on hard tack and salt beef died of abdominal problems — fecal impaction, possibly appendicitis related to constipation, bowel obstruction and a couple of other problems.

  9. I recall that the discovery of pasteurization put milk drinking a major addition to the menu; the rise in the health of children has attributed to this great advance in science. Of course it takes some CO2 and methane gas generation which the enviro-crazies hate. Some of them actually hate children and are sorry Pasteur ever had a laboratory.

  10. According to the same unionised nescients, 30,000 lives saved per year will result in a gazillion more tons of carbon pollution. What gives?

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