Name-calling enviro chief continues feigned outraged at Sen. Ron Johnson for name-calling back

League of Conservation Voters chief Gene Karpinski writes in the HuffPost’s “The Climate Change Deniers Are Fighting Back”:

Earlier this week, the League of Conservation Voters launched a nearly $2 million nationwide television ad campaign holding members of Congress accountable for their denial of climate change. The ads target Senator Ron Johnson and Representatives Rodney Davis, Dan Benishek and Mike Coffman, and are already airing across their districts.

The reaction was swift. Before the ad was even released, Senator Johnson responded with offensive name-calling, saying that LCV is waging an “environmental jihad” and claiming an “unholy alliance” between President Obama and our work fighting for clean air and clean water. He knows he can’t defend his extreme anti-science views, so he’s lashing out with inflammatory and offensive rhetoric that has no place in our policy debates.

Really, Gene… is this how out of ideas you guys are?

Read more in the HuffPost.

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