Moniz: Obama not at war with coal because we’re still using it

National Journal reports:

Moniz, speaking at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy, touched specifically on Republican accusations of an Obama “war on coal.” Those charges, Moniz said, “demonstrate misunderstanding or misstatement.” Coal will continue to be an energy source, he said, noting the proposed $6 billion investment in carbon-capture and sequestration technologies to reduce its environmental impact.

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One thought on “Moniz: Obama not at war with coal because we’re still using it”

  1. CCS is an attack on coal use, raising costs to achieve absolutely nothing desirable unless someone actually has a use for the CO2. Which I understand can be used in some fracking ops.
    Oo, oo, CCS at the Pennsylvania power plant, then use the CO2 to frack the Marcellus for homes in Pittsburgh. But none to NY state as long as they ban fracking, I say. And don’t buy their CO2 either.

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