Luddites Live! UK Liberal Democrats propose banning internal combustion engine in cars by 2040

The internal combustion engine is one of the greatest inventions of all time.

The Telegraph reports:

Nick Clegg’s party has unveiled proposals to only allow ultra-low carbon vehicles on UK roads by 2040.

The controversial measures would mean millions of petrol and diesel cars being forbidden.

Only electric vehicles and ultra-efficient hybrid cars would be allowed on UK roads under the Lib Dem plans.

However, petrol and diesel vehicles would still be allowed for freight purposes.

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3 thoughts on “Luddites Live! UK Liberal Democrats propose banning internal combustion engine in cars by 2040”

  1. The internal combustion engine, like steam energy and the wheel and the horse collar, contributes greatly to human well-being. But it’s a machine, not an idol. If there’s a more efficient and cleaner way to perform its functions, we should be open to a change.
    Any policy based on “carbon” is automatically wrong, though. And command economic policy, which this would be, always reduces wealth and standards of living, especially for the poor.
    This is really the Pharisees wanting to herd the hoi polloi around.

  2. The British already killed their domestic automobil industry. Is not that enough so that they could leave others alone?

  3. On the plus side, British politicians will be shovelling real equine byproduct instead of the virtual kind they shovel now….

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