Kentucky students to first lady Michelle Obama: Your food ‘tastes like vomit’

The Daily Caller reports:

Students in a rural Kentucky county — and their parents — are the latest to join a growing national chorus of scorn for the healthy school lunches touted by first lady Michelle Obama.

“They say it tastes like vomit,” said Harlan County Public Schools board member Myra Mosley at a contentious board meeting last week, reports The Harlan Daily Enterprise.

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9 thoughts on “Kentucky students to first lady Michelle Obama: Your food ‘tastes like vomit’”

  1. Well people have different taste some people may like it some people may not it depends on the person and the first lady only wanted to help kids stay fit unless you want to be eating greasy food or food that will give you a heart burn or heart attack she just wanted to improve food for children and if you have better options that relate to what the first lady idea is that’s great

  2. Calorie intake is not a one-size-fits-all. Both my husband and I seem to have a very high metabolism (or whatever) and eat far more than most of the people we know without any weight gain. On the other hand, one of my siblings eats half what I do to avoid gaining weight. Calorie intake is pretty much “person specific”. Students in sports need more calories than those that are not. It’s all just part of the insane belief that we can somehow make everyone alike. What good is serving food that just ends up in the trash?

  3. They reduced the calories in school lunches because 20% or so of students are obese. But like all pandering to a minority it ignores the majority of students who are not obese. It reminds me of king Procrustes in Greek mythology who would adjust all his overnight guests to fit the bed. If they were too tall he would cut off their feet and if they were too short he would stretch them until they were “just right”. This is what the government is doing to school children.

  4. For my kids the problem wasn’t the taste (though they did say it was bland compared to previous years). The issue was the quantity. The school lunch program was started to help children that weren’t getting enough food at home. Has that problem been completely eliminated now? Because this “healthy food” program is nothing more than a fadish reduced-calorie diet that has replaced hot lunches with a light snack. Are they really so ignorant that they don’t realize growing children need more calories than adults, not less?

  5. Howdy GWTW
    The most basic element of food is the calorie — the one we actually measure is the kCal or kilocalorie because one calorie is a very small unit of energy. Food’s primary job is to provide fuel, fuel is measured in kCals, and that means that the most basic fallacy of food-nannies is the canard “empty calories.”
    We also get important trace elements from food, vitamins and minerals, but almost any diet with a touch of variety will cover the trace elements. And some fiber is good for the colon, of course.
    It seems clear that some individuals are sensitive to the amount of salt in their diets. These are the people who will benefit by managing their sodium intake but they are a minority of the population. Sweeping salt restriction deprives people of the pleasure of food without any attendant health benefit.
    Similarly, some people may be sensitive to dietary fat or specific kinds of fat. But nearly everything we’ve been told about fats, especially by the food nannies, is questionable or outright false.
    Many species derive pleasure from food — you should have seen my cat after the canned chicken last night — and humans are among them. There is a form of insensitivity, even of cruelty, in turning the pleasure of food and the social aspects of eating into the kind of Puritanical test that food nannies seem determined to impose. It is perhaps all the worse in that some of the food nannies seem to believe we should be ashamed of enjoying food when our evolution has made us this way. The Bible celebrates food as a source of pleasure and a community bonding rite.
    The organic food turns up far more often in food-borne illness outbreaks than does conventional food, incidentally.

  6. BTW, since school lunches are significantly subsidized by taxes, you’re helping to pay for throwing away the foods the kids leave on the trays.

  7. I’d have said the Obama-compliant food was more dull than actually vile. My sweetheart is a lunch lady and she knows the kids despise the new menus. In fact I think our district is shifting somewhat away from them. I hope so.

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