Inhofe investigates White House coordination with Obama campaign on climate change agenda

Sen. Inhofe announced today:

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe, ranking member of Environment and Public Works (EPW) Subcommittee on Oversight, today sent letters to Curt Spalding, administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Region 1, and Nancy Sutley, chairman on the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), questioning apparent coordination of CEQ and the Organization for Action (OFA) on events today pushing the President’s climate change agenda and the potential violation of the Hatch Act…

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2 thoughts on “Inhofe investigates White House coordination with Obama campaign on climate change agenda”

  1. There is only one certainty about Obama – the Chicago Way is the rule. Lie, cheat, and bribe run the Democrat Policy. Yeah, the people are screwed. Obama is a killer of the poor and middle class supported by his news media.

  2. I dunno about this. Climate change is a major policy area and presidents always seek to increase support for their important policies. The Hatch Act is about partisan political patronage; granted that climate change is politicized, this doesn’t look partisan to me as much as ideological. I’d expect a president to rally support, whether I thought the policy involved was wisdom or from Obama.

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