House Science Comm Chair to Dems: EPA transparency is good government, secret science is not

House Science Committee Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) responds to Tuesday’s letter from Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Tex.).

From the letter (Click for letter in PDF format):

Ensuring public access to taxpayer funded-data that are used in regulations supports good science and good government. Consistent with this principle, once the Committee receives the data sets, I intend to make them publically available. Certainly, the principle of an open and transparent government is not supported by policies that allow certain groups access to the information, but prevent access to others. This is precisely what is now occurring and should be corrected.

Click for Smith’s Aug. 8 response.

Click for Johnson’s Aug. 6 letter to Smith.

Click for the House Science Committee subpoena.

Click for Smith’s Wall Street Journal op-ed.

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