Global warming made sea levels FALL in 2010 and 2011

The Register reports:

Global warming and climate change are usually thought to mean that world sea levels will rise, perhaps disastrously. But according to US government boffins, in recent times (2010 and 2011, to be precise) phenomena driven by human carbon emissions have actually caused world sea levels to fall.

The seas have, of course, been rising steadily as the climate has changed for thousands of years, ever since the end of the last ice age. During the 20th century, according to estimates mostly from erratic tide gauges, sea levels rose by around 1.7mm a year. Since the early 1990s, satellites have also been used to measure sea levels, and by contrast have suggested a steady unchanging rise of about 3mm annually – that is, until 2010.

According to a statement issued yesterday by the US National Science Foundation:

“For an 18-month period beginning in 2010, the oceans mysteriously dropped by about seven millimeters.”

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14 thoughts on “Global warming made sea levels FALL in 2010 and 2011”

  1. No, no, no… You guys don’t get it. The sea-level rise is occuring in the deep ocean. Scientists now agree that surface sea-level may not be the best measure of sea-level rise. Because climate change is affecting AMO and PDO surface sea-level rise is being subhumed. This additional sea-level increases pressure at depth causing the sea-level to be compressed more than it would be at the surface giving the appearance of a net loss. Moving forward all reductions of surface sea-level will be appropriately corrected to reflect the increase in deep ocean sea-level indicated by the loss.

  2. Like much of the AGW religious dogma, it strays into never never land when looked at closely. This article would be better characterized as unintelligent fecal matter than a review of scientific data. Typical of the myopic social planners at Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming and Worldwide Socialism.

  3. I think a more pertinent quote would be “A lie told often enough becomes the truth” — Vladimir Lenin (Unless that attribution is just an oft-repeated lie)

  4. Seems more likely that a.combination of more snow and less melting on Greenland and Antarctica caused about 7 inches more ice to form/remain

  5. Well 361 million km of oceans and 7.7 million km of Australia. Ratio of ocean to Australia is 46 to 1. 46 * 7 mm is 329mm or about 13 inches of extra rain on the continent over those 18 months – assuming none of it went back to the sea. Seems quite unlikely all of Austrailia ‘s average rain went up that much and I would guess it would have to be much higher to get the 13″ to stick.

  6. Howdy Tom
    The warmists have pushed much larger fantasies than this one for so long that they believe they’ve outdone Lincoln, that they can indeed fool all of the people all of the time.

  7. So, let’s see: 7mm of sea level, distributed across Australia’s surface, would add just over a foot of water to the whole continent. What are these folks smoking? Or better, what do they think WE are smoking, so that their fantasy might seem believable?

  8. So the Earth’s surface area is 510 million square kilometers, Australia’s area is 7.7 million square kilometers. If every bit of the 300mm additional rainfall has remained on the ground in Australia; not evaporated, not made its way into the rivers to the ocean the resultant would have lowered the 361 million sqaure kilometers of ocean surface by less than 7 mm. Mysterious indeed, maybe the deep ocean ate it.

  9. ” But according to US government boffins, in recent times (2010 and 2011, to be precise) phenomena driven by human carbon emissions have actually caused world sea levels to fall.” Followed by “For an 18-month period beginning in 2010, the oceans mysteriously dropped by about seven millimeters.” Those statements are essentially contradictory; if the oceans fell “mysteriously”, we can’t say that “…phenomena driven by human carbon emissions…” had (or did not have) anything to do with this event.

  10. So if the Australians dug a long ditch that drained their rainfall into the oceans, all the oceans in the world would have risen, instead of falling?
    Mathematically and scientifically absurd.

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