EPA chief Lisa Jackson illegally contacted lobbyist from private email

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson used her private email to conduct official business, including with a lobbyist, in a possible violation of federal record laws.

The emails were part of the latest batch of documents released through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). The conservative nonprofit has been digging through Jackson’s correspondence for months after it discovered she used a secret EPA email address under the pseudonym “Richard Windsor.”

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2 thoughts on “EPA chief Lisa Jackson illegally contacted lobbyist from private email”

  1. There isn’t an honest appointee in the entire Obama Administration. The Chicago Way is mandatory – lie, cheat, and bribe.

  2. “Jackson’s personal Verizon email address is redacted under a privacy exemption, only to be left unredacted a few lines later.”

    Too dumb for global search-replace?

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