Enviro group slammed by FactCheck.org for misquoting GOP Congressman on climate in TV ad

Factcheck.org reports:

The League of Conservation Voters misuses a quote by a Republican congressman to portray him as “extreme” on climate change.

The environmental group quotes Rep. Rodney Davis in a TV ad as saying “global warming has stopped 16 years ago.” But the Illinois freshman actually said, “They say that global warming has stopped 16 years ago.” He went on to say, “But climate change is real.”

The TV ad, titled “Sixteen Years Ago,” is part of a nearly $2 million ad campaign targeting four Republican members of Congress for their views on climate change. About halfway into the ad, the narrator says, “Congressman Davis is so extreme that he denies climate change science, suggesting” — and then Davis is heard saying — “global warming has stopped 16 years ago.”

On the screen, viewers see “Congressman Davis. ‘Global Warming Stopped 16 Years Ago.’ ”

That’s not what Davis said. The quote is lifted from an October 2012 radio interview that Davis did on a call-in show with Illinois Public Media during last year’s congressional campaign. Here is a partial transcript of an exchange between Davis and a caller named “Bob” (starts at about the 42:15 mark):

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One thought on “Enviro group slammed by FactCheck.org for misquoting GOP Congressman on climate in TV ad”

  1. So why would this group try to get rid of a GOP member that supports their cause. Unless the real goal is to get rid of GOP no matter what.

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