Cleveland Plain-Dealer: ‘Climate denial must end’ — NO, warmism must end (and the 95% probability claim is 100% nonsense)

The Plain-Dealer does get one thing right in its editorial:

The Nobel Prize-winning group’s fifth assessment on climate change declares that it is 95 percent certain that the burning of fossil fuels worldwide is making the planet warmer, melting ice caps at the poles and raising water levels throughout the world. (Its 2007 report made similar assertions with 90 percent certainty.) Avoiding that catastrophic scenario should be a top priority for all nations. [Emphasis added]

The “95%” claim was literally just declared — it has not foundation in science or probability.

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2 thoughts on “Cleveland Plain-Dealer: ‘Climate denial must end’ — NO, warmism must end (and the 95% probability claim is 100% nonsense)”

  1. Melting of Greenland could cause some rise. But yeah seems like the oceans are actually dropping because of Australia acting like a giant sponge. It is true I say!

  2. Melting ice caps at the poles? Even if all the nothern polar ice melts the oceans won’t be afffected one iota. And someone correct me if I am wrong but isn’t the southern polar ice increasing? The asinine comments are just as bad as the 95% claim.

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