4 thoughts on “Beware of warmists making predictions that they won’t live long enough to be accountable for”

  1. There was a great “Freakonomics” podcast about the folly of prediction. you never predict everything will stay the same because that doesn’t excite anyone. You have to predict a cataclysm or you don’t get the headline. The best predictors then make it impossible to verify in their lifetime or make it ambiguous enough that it’s hard to prove them wrong.

  2. This parallels the Nationa Enquirer’s “prophesies” for the year. Never a follow-up to see how they scored, but anything that seemed to justify a prophesy would be on the front page.

  3. When a lot of the same folks were predicting the next ice age in just a few years, they learned two things. One, make no predictions anyone can check. Two, of you forget one, no one will call you on it. I noticed they carried the Nat Geo photos including the one with water half way up the statue of liberty. How much ice has to melt by 2100 for that? Can we even melt it that fast?
    No one ever checks simple stuff they may have learned by observation or in high school science when looking at those predictions.

  4. The warmists have never been held accountable for the predictions that haven’t come true during their lives; why would they worry about accountability now?

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