Berkeley Anti-Atrazine Crusader Blames ‘Big Ag’, Set To Sue, After University Dispute Freezes Research

Jon Entine writes at

Has ‘Big Ag’ finally nailed a long time nemesis? Or has an ideologically obsessed activist scientist with a long history of discredited studies finally fallen victim to his own bizarre behavior?

These are the competing narratives in play as journalists try to make sense of reports last week that Tyrone Hayes, the University of California at Berkeley herpetologist who churned out study after study about the alleged dangers of a popular herbicide—research that many scientists and the federal government have found neither convincing nor reproducable—has at least temporarily been forced to shutter his lab because of a lack of funds. Hayes suggests the university has unfairly shut him down because of outside pressure from his longtime critics.

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3 thoughts on “Berkeley Anti-Atrazine Crusader Blames ‘Big Ag’, Set To Sue, After University Dispute Freezes Research”

  1. In a university full of freaks and prima donnas, a guy who can actually make them look reasonable has to have some kind of value to the university. Think Cornell West Coast.

  2. A long history of questionable science, results that can’t be reproduced in other labs and the 102 emails makes one wonder why this didn’t happen much sooner.

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