Bangladesh launches ‘Climate Victims Rehabilitation Project’

Think about this… Bangladesh “rehabilitates” 30 weather-displaced families on a 2.25 acre lot for $64,000. What must that be like?

The Dhaka Tribune reports:

Almost 30 families, who were rendered homeless in various natural calamities have been rehabilitated at the Purbamadla Guchchhagram (cluster village) project under Sailkupa upazila in Jhenaidah.

They were given the keys to their new home yesterday at a simple ceremony.

The ministry of Land under their Climate Victims Rehabilitation Project (CVRP) carried out the cluster village project on 2.25 acres of government khas land at an estimated cost of Tk4.946m.

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2 thoughts on “Bangladesh launches ‘Climate Victims Rehabilitation Project’”

  1. A bit like FEMA. Just way-lots cheaper. Thirty families for $64k. About $2133/family. FEMA spent tens of thousands each for the Katrina trailers.

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