26 hurricanes made landfall during Grover Cleveland admin — 3 so far during Obama

Wes Pruden writes in the WashTimes:

Al Gore and his traveling medicine show is back in town with his new, improved snake oil, guaranteed to grow hair, improve digestion, promote regularity and kill roaches, rats and bedbugs. Al and his wagon rumbled into town on the eve of “a major forthcoming report” from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is a panel of scientists affiliated with the United Nations. Their report is expected to buck up the spirits of the tycoons of the snake-oil industry.

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3 thoughts on “26 hurricanes made landfall during Grover Cleveland admin — 3 so far during Obama”

  1. Just to be snotty, one must ask, Which Cleveland administration? He served from 1885-1889 and again 1893-1897.The downslope in hurricanes hitting the US is obvious, though, and perhaps harmful. Hurricanes have been part of the system that distributes moisture; a hurricane dearth is easier on the coast but it may be a drought factor. It may not.

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