Ag Sec: Obama ‘putting us on track to cleaner environment’ — NO… our environment is already clean and safe!

How clean is “clean”? Answer below. Continue reading Ag Sec: Obama ‘putting us on track to cleaner environment’ — NO… our environment is already clean and safe!

EPA’s own climate model: Effect on temps of mega-carbon tax too small to measure on 50-year scale

Pat Michaels writes at Forbes: Continue reading EPA’s own climate model: Effect on temps of mega-carbon tax too small to measure on 50-year scale

Warmist claim: 2°C target not enough to save planet; Also stopping ocean acidification will require much deeper cuts

But none of their emissions cuts can be met anyway. Continue reading Warmist claim: 2°C target not enough to save planet; Also stopping ocean acidification will require much deeper cuts

NO… ‘climate conspiracy theories’ don’t derive from Climategate — they were validated by it!

… and there were no independent investigations into Climategate, either! Continue reading NO… ‘climate conspiracy theories’ don’t derive from Climategate — they were validated by it!

Shock: Charles Krauthammer favors global treaty to reduce CO2 emissions

Krauthammer doesn’t like Obama’s central climate control, but apparently would like some flavor of it. Who knew? Continue reading Shock: Charles Krauthammer favors global treaty to reduce CO2 emissions

Michael Mann the real climate denier: He denies taxpayers who funded his ‘work’ from seeing that ‘work’

“We’re waiting for every news reporter at every McAuliffe-Mann event to ask: ‘Why are you hiding your activities at a public college that the taxpayers funded?'” Continue reading Michael Mann the real climate denier: He denies taxpayers who funded his ‘work’ from seeing that ‘work’