Weather Channel Alarmism: What the West Coast could look like if global warming continues

Artwork allegedly based on “science” not a political agenda. Continue reading Weather Channel Alarmism: What the West Coast could look like if global warming continues

Aussie oppo leader hit for calling CO2 trading ‘market in the non-delivery of an invisible substance to no one’

The Age reports: Continue reading Aussie oppo leader hit for calling CO2 trading ‘market in the non-delivery of an invisible substance to no one’

CFACT files complaint against University of Michigan physician alleging illegal human testing

CFACT has filed a complaint with the state of Michigan’s Health Professions Division alleging that the University of Michigan’s Dr. Robert D. Brook has conducted illegal human experiments on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Continue reading CFACT files complaint against University of Michigan physician alleging illegal human testing