US Army switching to ‘green’ bullets — ‘“This makes the projectile environmentally-friendly’

The Daily Caller reports: Continue reading US Army switching to ‘green’ bullets — ‘“This makes the projectile environmentally-friendly’

Global Warming Causes Warm/Cold, Wet/Dry, Bigger/Smaller Lobsters

Promoters of man-caused global warming unleash yet another irreconcilable problem for themselves. Continue reading Global Warming Causes Warm/Cold, Wet/Dry, Bigger/Smaller Lobsters

Backfire: Warmists jump shark with $60 trillion Arctic methane claim; Even Gavin Schmidt says so

Don’t know who advises warmists on tactics, but the scary number thing is backfiring. Continue reading Backfire: Warmists jump shark with $60 trillion Arctic methane claim; Even Gavin Schmidt says so

No… whining about global warming will not stop pine bark beetles from destroying Western forests

CO2 emissions could stop today and the beetles would keep eating their way through Western forests. Continue reading No… whining about global warming will not stop pine bark beetles from destroying Western forests

Obama’s new dumping ground for green energy junk: Public housing

Your tax dollars at work. Green energy projects rarely pay off — except to the vendors of the junk technology. Continue reading Obama’s new dumping ground for green energy junk: Public housing

Study: Biggest uncertainty in climate models is ocean mixing — will need 25 years more research to understand

Oregon State University announced: Continue reading Study: Biggest uncertainty in climate models is ocean mixing — will need 25 years more research to understand

Warmist Suicide Watch: Obama admin says coal use, CO2 emissions to increase by 46% from 2010-2040

The Energy Information Administration reports: Continue reading Warmist Suicide Watch: Obama admin says coal use, CO2 emissions to increase by 46% from 2010-2040