Claim: Global warming can be reversed to 1.5°C by 2150

“What we demonstrate in our paper is that even if we fail to keep temperature increases below 2°C, then we can reverse the warming trend and push temperatures back below the 2°C target by 2150.” Continue reading Claim: Global warming can be reversed to 1.5°C by 2150

GOP can embrace 97% consensus w/o embracing Democrat big gov’t, says anonymous GOP staffer

If I wrote that, I’d want to remain anonymous, too. Continue reading GOP can embrace 97% consensus w/o embracing Democrat big gov’t, says anonymous GOP staffer

Scientific Central Planning: Imperial College London forming ‘Earth League’

“… a voluntary alliance of leading scientists and institutions dealing with planetary processes and sustainability issues…” Continue reading Scientific Central Planning: Imperial College London forming ‘Earth League’

More wisdom from Paul Ehrlich — Michael Mann ‘under attack by morons and crooks’

Here’s a tweet from this illustrious member of the National Academy of Sciences: Continue reading More wisdom from Paul Ehrlich — Michael Mann ‘under attack by morons and crooks’

Billionaire warmist Tom Steyer: A legend in his own mind

Tom Steyer was once considered for Secretary of Energy — in a Washington Post puff piece (that cost the WaPo reporter her beat), not anywhere else… or at least only long enough to be refused. Continue reading Billionaire warmist Tom Steyer: A legend in his own mind

Study: Trees using water more efficiently as atmospheric carbon dioxide rises

“Our analysis suggests that rising atmospheric carbon dioxide is having a direct and unexpectedly strong influence on ecosystem processes and biosphere-atmosphere interactions in temperate and boreal forests.” Continue reading Study: Trees using water more efficiently as atmospheric carbon dioxide rises