Warmist Ken Caldiera: ‘Emitting greenhouse gases is the equivalent of mugging little old ladies. Coal power plants are immoral and ought to be illegal’

“The rejection of climate science is another manifestation of the medievalism that’s permeated our society, where we don’t recognize a shared reality,” Caldiera said. Continue reading Warmist Ken Caldiera: ‘Emitting greenhouse gases is the equivalent of mugging little old ladies. Coal power plants are immoral and ought to be illegal’

Mother Jones: How to Fix the Climate, in One Simple Flowchart

“After we published our How to Win a Climate Argument Flowchart, we thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if all the climate solutions were boiled down into a simple, step-by-step chart?” As President Obama gets down to business in his second term, we look at what’s next for his administration as well as where your own individual choices fit into the big picture. Choose your own climate solution adventure:” Continue reading Mother Jones: How to Fix the Climate, in One Simple Flowchart

EPA Howler: Lisa Jackson alter ego Richard Windsor passed agency ethics course

“Richard Windsor never existed at the EPA, but the agency awarded the fictional staffer’s email account certificates proving he had mastered all of the agency’s technology training — including declaring him a “scholar of ethical behavior,” according to documents disclosed late last week.” Continue reading EPA Howler: Lisa Jackson alter ego Richard Windsor passed agency ethics course

UK energy secretary attacks climate skeptics for nimbyism, publicity-seeking, and ‘blinkered bloody-mindedness’

It comes ahead of a crucial Energy Bill vote, during which Ed Davey will be accused by backbenchers of betraying his party’s green credentials. Continue reading UK energy secretary attacks climate skeptics for nimbyism, publicity-seeking, and ‘blinkered bloody-mindedness’

Keystone XL Lunacy: Trans Canada must relocate 126 endangered beetles to build pipeline

Beetles that Trans Canada will have to catch via traps baited with 3-day old dead rats. Continue reading Keystone XL Lunacy: Trans Canada must relocate 126 endangered beetles to build pipeline

Claim: Sea-level rise from 2005-2011 estimated at 0.1 inches per year; Due mostly to melting glaciers, polar ice sheets

Can you really detect a 0.7-inch rise in global sea level? Continue reading Claim: Sea-level rise from 2005-2011 estimated at 0.1 inches per year; Due mostly to melting glaciers, polar ice sheets