Enviros ask State Dept for another review of Keystone

TransCanada says, “Just one more example of the professional activists looking for reasons to delay the project when the facts do not support their claims.” Continue reading Enviros ask State Dept for another review of Keystone

Obama ban on foreign aid for coal plants would leave poor without energy

“Climate change and the coal issue is one thing,” [World Bank President Jim Young Kim] said, “but the humanitarian issue is another, and we cannot turn our backs on the people of Kosovo who face freezing to death if we don’t move in.”
Continue reading Obama ban on foreign aid for coal plants would leave poor without energy

The Economist: ‘Stiff’ carbon tax could keep global warming below 2°C; ‘Polluters’ should start planning now

Where’s the warming? And BTW, the 2°C is not science based. Continue reading The Economist: ‘Stiff’ carbon tax could keep global warming below 2°C; ‘Polluters’ should start planning now

Warmist Lament: ‘Global warming has literally changed what the Earth looks like from space’

Now Obama can add “view from space” to the social cost of carbon? Continue reading Warmist Lament: ‘Global warming has literally changed what the Earth looks like from space’