Tea Party for Subsidized Energy? Atlanta group presses utility to increase use of solar power

A tea party advocating subsidized energy? Continue reading Tea Party for Subsidized Energy? Atlanta group presses utility to increase use of solar power

Delingpole: Ed Davey makes the silliest speech ever

“Ed Davey is a disgrace and an embarrassment – by some way (and it’s not like there’s any shortage of competition) the most damaging and dangerous minister in Cameron’s Coalition of the useless.” Continue reading Delingpole: Ed Davey makes the silliest speech ever

WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin at it again: Flacking for billionaire donor to her husband’s employer

Now that the Washington Post has gotten rid of its ombudsman, “reporter” Juliet Eilperin is back to writing press releases to help Mr. Juliet Eilperin’s career. Continue reading WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin at it again: Flacking for billionaire donor to her husband’s employer

EPA contractors set up gym, personal TV spaces in EPA-leased warehouse

“The EPA inspector general found “multiple unauthorized and hidden personal spaces that included such items as televisions and exercise equipment” at the 70,000-square-foot warehouse, which the EPA leases for approximately $750,000 a year.” Continue reading EPA contractors set up gym, personal TV spaces in EPA-leased warehouse

Britain’s No-Energy Bill: Cameron government puts ‘decarbonization’ above growth

“The U.K.’s 2013 energy bill is up for a key vote Tuesday, and even the best-case outcome is likely to hurt an already weak British economy.” Continue reading Britain’s No-Energy Bill: Cameron government puts ‘decarbonization’ above growth

Joe Bastardi debunks warmist notion that ‘the atmosphere is now carrying more moisture than it used to’

If global warming is supposed to be adding moisture to the atmosphere then, oops, nature screwed up again! Continue reading Joe Bastardi debunks warmist notion that ‘the atmosphere is now carrying more moisture than it used to’