Witnesses Say EPA’s Forthcoming Ozone Standards Impossible to Meet

“Witnesses agreed that if EPA tightens the current ozone standard, many parts of the country will be unable to meet the new limit due to naturally-occurring or uncontrollable ozone.” Continue reading Witnesses Say EPA’s Forthcoming Ozone Standards Impossible to Meet

Oops… iron seeding of algal blooms to trap CO2 may backfire

A new study on the feeding habits of ocean microbes calls into question the potential use of algal blooms to trap carbon dioxide and offset rising global levels. Continue reading Oops… iron seeding of algal blooms to trap CO2 may backfire

Appellate court skeptical of Nanny Bloomberg soda ban

“Justice David Friedman said the city appeared to be asking for unprecedented authority to regulate all sorts of portion sizes, including ‘the number of doughnuts a person could eat, the number of scoops of ice cream’ and number of servings of fried chicken.” Continue reading Appellate court skeptical of Nanny Bloomberg soda ban

Climate talks collapse: Russia derails treaty track at UN climate summmit in Bonn.

For the UN climate conference in Bonn the bear to worry about was not Polar, but Russian. Continue reading Climate talks collapse: Russia derails treaty track at UN climate summmit in Bonn.

Junk Science Week at the FP: Now we have too many polar bears?

“Despite sea ice having declined since the 1970s, polar bear numbers in Davis Strait have not only increased to a greater density (bears per 1,000 km2) than other seasonal-ice subpopulations (like Western Hudson Bay), but may now have reached its carrying capacity.” Continue reading Junk Science Week at the FP: Now we have too many polar bears?