Attention Warmist Shoppers: Arctic ice extent highest in a decade

From the GWPF: “Melting Arctic sea ice has been blamed for recent cold weather in the UK. However, Arctic sea ice has seen a huge rebound this year – to levels not seen in a decade. Something to ponder at the Met Office summit.” Continue reading Attention Warmist Shoppers: Arctic ice extent highest in a decade

Warmist Backfire: ‘Extreme weather’ voyeurism is popular — link to climate change, not so much

“This year, ABC will feature the most extreme weather ever for the network, potentially double the 2012 minutes logged. That as the larger subject of climate change remains, according to his data, essentially unreported.” Continue reading Warmist Backfire: ‘Extreme weather’ voyeurism is popular — link to climate change, not so much

Madness of the Met Office Summit meeting to find out why our weather is… normal

“Pinch yourself. This deserves a headline: ‘Met Office shock announcement: Britain’s weather is normal.'” Continue reading Madness of the Met Office Summit meeting to find out why our weather is… normal