Obama Energy Secretary disavows Obama campaign attack on climate ‘deniers’

The Hill reports:

Rohrabacher then took aim at Organizing for Action (OFA), the advocacy group borne from President Obama’s reelection campaign that now works to advance the White House’s agenda.

“Yet we have just a few weeks ago an offshoot of President Obama’s reelection campaign listed ‘climate deniers.’ The only other … use of that term is Holocaust denier. Do you use the term denier for those people who disagree with you on climate science and do you think that term is appropriate in engaging in a civil discourse over a scientific issue?” the California Republican said.

“I much prefer a civil discourse. That is what I hope we are engaging in,” replied Moniz, who had several exchanges on climate change with GOP skeptics on the committee.

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3 thoughts on “Obama Energy Secretary disavows Obama campaign attack on climate ‘deniers’”

  1. “I will admit you are correct, and rejoice with you, when the EPA de-lists CO2 as a dangerous pollutant.”

    The fraud has fizzled. There is no longer any scientifically defensible basis for the AGW contention, which had been rammed home in late 2009 with the first of the Climategate revelations.

    The fact that our Mendacious Mombasa Meatpuppet is still using his EPA to ram such crap down our throats has nothing more to do with the invalidation of this abysmal Cargo Cult Science than any other fact of reality.

    Barry Soebarkah has lived his entire life as a lie, with his more egregious criminal mendacities presenting in the years since he began scheming to usurp a public office from which he is absolutely barred by the U.S. Constitution with which he daily wipes his tochus.

    How could it be that we might ever expect from this contemptible cur even the seeming of regard for scientific validity?

  2. ” it appears that this “global warming” fraud has finally fizzled.”

    I will admit you are correct, and rejoice with you, when the EPA de-lists CO2 as a dangerous pollutant.

  3. Interestingly enough, although this article on The Hill Web site drew participation from the usual Watermelon idiots (defending this preposterous bogosity and attacking “deniers” in general and Republicans in particular), the board has been dominated by skeptical posters to such an extent that the credulous catastrophists seem to have struck their colors and sunk back into the slime from which they’d arisen.

    Even the paid putzelen among the leftie-luzers seem to have been re-tasked to lines of attack upon our republic which offer better prospects of wrecking Western civilization.

    Although we must keep crushing out the embers, it appears that this “global warming” fraud has finally fizzled.

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