NYTimes columnist Joe Nocera discloses what WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin refuses to

In Joe Nocera’s NYTimes column today about a lawsuit against the NCAA, he writes:

If they get certified as a class — and that is what Thursday’s arguments were about — there would be potentially tens of thousands of plaintiffs. (Disclosure: William Isaacson, a lawyer at Boies, Schiller & Flexner, is aiding Hausfeld. My wife, who is the firm’s director of communications, has no role in the case.)

But former environmental reporter Juliet Eilperin refused — and the Washington Post refused to make her — disclose that her husband works on climate issues for the prominent lefty think tank Center for American Progress.

Eilperin was quietly removed from the environmental beat for her egregious failure to disclose last February (thanks to JunkScience’s efforts). Possibly Nocera learned her lesson for her — regardless, this simple disclosure is all we asked for from Eilperin and the WaPo.

One thought on “NYTimes columnist Joe Nocera discloses what WaPo’s Juliet Eilperin refuses to”

  1. Congratulations to our host on a small step in the right direction for honesty in public discussion.

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