4 thoughts on “EPA Honors Fake Employee”

  1. This shows almost the level of ‘inspiration’ as the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

  2. What I find most amusing is that these required certifications were for ethics and IT poliies, which as a matter of form, certainly preclude false identities and sharing paswords.

    The confusing thing is that it would be easy as pie to have her public
    LJackson@EPA.gov and then a EPAHeadJackson@EPA.gov or some other nonsense that doesn’t follow naming conventions as a private e-mail, accomplishing the same thing while not including deception. Oddly, they chose the more complicatied and fraudelent method for no apparent reason aside from to hide from FOIA.

  3. Oh, gosh, what a hoot. A fake e-mail address winds up with certificates for ethical learning! And let me remind our readers that, on the internet, at least one Richard Windsor is the nom-de-web of a provider of S&M material. (My apologies to the no doubt thousands of Richard Windsors who have nothing to do with that.)

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