As warmism melts, dead-enders look to Bill Nye’s creationist strawman for salvation

Nye seems to think that people will start believing in warmism if they are convinced that “deniers” believe the Earth is 4,000 years old. Continue reading As warmism melts, dead-enders look to Bill Nye’s creationist strawman for salvation

Greenpeace calls NSA spying a ‘double evil’ because the NSA data center is powered by coal

“And what kind of power is fueling the data center that Big Brother is building to store our illegally collected Facebook posts and phone calls? Coal, of course!” Continue reading Greenpeace calls NSA spying a ‘double evil’ because the NSA data center is powered by coal

Study: Moderate drinking during pregnancy does not seem to harm baby’s neurodevelopment

Otherwise, virtually all baby boomers would have impaired cognitive processes… oh wait… Continue reading Study: Moderate drinking during pregnancy does not seem to harm baby’s neurodevelopment

Study: Spiders scaring grasshoppers could help save the planet from global warming

“It’s going to force some thinking about the vital roles of animals in regulating carbon.” Continue reading Study: Spiders scaring grasshoppers could help save the planet from global warming