More Warmism Melting: Antarctic ice loss less severe than previous IPCC estimates, researchers say

“New research by a group of international scientists has found ice sheet loss in Antarctica is likely to be less extreme than previously thought.” Continue reading More Warmism Melting: Antarctic ice loss less severe than previous IPCC estimates, researchers say

Aussie Green party leader to run ‘keep the bastards honest’ campaign against likely next PM and skeptic Tony Abbott

““Our focus is to position the Greens in stopping [skeptic] Tony Abbott getting control of both houses of parliament.” Continue reading Aussie Green party leader to run ‘keep the bastards honest’ campaign against likely next PM and skeptic Tony Abbott

Cooking the warming books: Obama quietly raises the cost of CO2 emissions by 60%

This is how the EPA plans to cook the books for the cost-benefit analysis of its greenhouse gas regulations. Continue reading Cooking the warming books: Obama quietly raises the cost of CO2 emissions by 60%

China won’t cap CO2 emissions — Keep sharp things away from warmists

China’s Chief Climate Negotiator Su Wei reaffirmed his nation’s commitment to lower emissions relative to economic output while dismissing reports that it will adopt an absolute cap on greenhouse gases. Continue reading China won’t cap CO2 emissions — Keep sharp things away from warmists

Salt Nannies: Cookies with salt could cause children to develop high blood pressure as adults

Uh… it’s not really known that salt in later life — or at any time, really — causes high blood pressure, let alone decades later. Continue reading Salt Nannies: Cookies with salt could cause children to develop high blood pressure as adults

Study: Volcanic eruptions linked to cold weather in Ireland for 1,200 years

“Our major result is that explosive volcanic eruptions are strongly, and persistently, implicated in the occurrence of cold weather events over this long timescale in Ireland.” Continue reading Study: Volcanic eruptions linked to cold weather in Ireland for 1,200 years

Joe Bastardi smacks warmist Stefan Rahmsdorf’s claim that warming is causing European flooding

Rahmsdorf apparently believes that no bad weather shouldn’t be blamed on global warming. But Joe Bastardi looks at the data.

German warmist Stefan Rahmsdorf is blaming recent European flooding on global warming. He essentially claims that a reduced temperature global gradient is causing weather patterns to stall — in this case a cold, low pressure system over Europe.

But Meteorologist Joe Bastardi says:

In times of low solar activity, such as we have now (in spite of being near the max for this pathetic solar cycle), the mean 500 mb field over Europe looks like this (below left image) and rainfall looks like this (below right image).

There is blocking over the top causing enhanced precipitation and cool temperatures over Europe.

All Rahmsdorf needed to do was to measure the years with a similar geomagnetic field (no doubt he has the data). It’s a sign that the sun is going to sleep — which is part of the theory concerning and imminent mini ice age.

BUT HE OBVIOUSLY DID NOT LOOK, and instead tried to latch on to something other what simple research would have shown to be a precursor to such events!!!!

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An Inconvenient Evolution: Study says species adapt to warming

Warmists have said for years that warming will wipe out species. We’ve always said that species will adapt to warming. A new study indicates we are correct. Continue reading An Inconvenient Evolution: Study says species adapt to warming