UK energy secretary attacks climate skeptics for nimbyism, publicity-seeking, and ‘blinkered bloody-mindedness’

It comes ahead of a crucial Energy Bill vote, during which Ed Davey will be accused by backbenchers of betraying his party’s green credentials. Continue reading UK energy secretary attacks climate skeptics for nimbyism, publicity-seeking, and ‘blinkered bloody-mindedness’

Keystone XL Lunacy: Trans Canada must relocate 126 endangered beetles to build pipeline

Beetles that Trans Canada will have to catch via traps baited with 3-day old dead rats. Continue reading Keystone XL Lunacy: Trans Canada must relocate 126 endangered beetles to build pipeline

Claim: Sea-level rise from 2005-2011 estimated at 0.1 inches per year; Due mostly to melting glaciers, polar ice sheets

Can you really detect a 0.7-inch rise in global sea level? Continue reading Claim: Sea-level rise from 2005-2011 estimated at 0.1 inches per year; Due mostly to melting glaciers, polar ice sheets