RFK Jr: Al Jazeera purchase of Al Gore’s Current TV okay because Qatar is a big nat gas producer and only a minor oil producer

It was painful to listen to RFK JR for 15 minutes, but he doesn’t disappoint.

Asked (twice) whether he had a problem with Al Gore selling Current TV to the Qatar-owned AL Jazeera, RFK Jr tried dodging but when pressed said that the sale wasn’t a problem because Qatar was was only a small producer of oil and a large producer of natural gas — plus they believe deeply in global warming.

Watch the video (clip starts at about 14:00).

3 thoughts on “RFK Jr: Al Jazeera purchase of Al Gore’s Current TV okay because Qatar is a big nat gas producer and only a minor oil producer”

  1. JFKII using the Algore justification for hypocrisy: It’s okay to be a conspicuous consumer (producer of C02) as long as you “believe deeply in global warming.”

  2. Take heart, Jim. The episodic form of speciation requires a population to diversify sufficiently for two or more subpopulations to diverge. Then selection will choose the winner.

  3. Umm … it’s really, really painful to make that trip to Huffpost. I get the distinct impression that site caters to the libtard/low-information human being. Gawd … we, as a species are SURELY devolving if they are any indication …

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