Tangled Web: PETA hits Chris Christie for killing spider; Meanwhile spider bite alleged to kill metal band guitarist

Perhaps Christie wasn’t as “thoughtless” as PETA claims. Continue reading Tangled Web: PETA hits Chris Christie for killing spider; Meanwhile spider bite alleged to kill metal band guitarist

20 Years Ago: 5-4-93 — Senate votes 79-15 to elevate EPA to cabinet level on condition of mandatory comparative risk analysis

The Senate voted overwhelmingly to make EPA a cabinet-level department on the proviso that the agency conduct comparative risk analysis (i.e., likening environmental risks to commonly encountered risks). This proviso would be the bill’s death in the Democrat-controlled House. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 5-4-93 — Senate votes 79-15 to elevate EPA to cabinet level on condition of mandatory comparative risk analysis

NASA predicts rainfall for next 140 years — meanwhile NOAA failing with warmer-than-average spring forecast

Model simulations spanning 140 years show that warming from carbon dioxide will change the frequency that regions around the planet. Continue reading NASA predicts rainfall for next 140 years — meanwhile NOAA failing with warmer-than-average spring forecast

Keep sharp things away from Bill McKibben: Former Obama communications director and Chairman Mao-lover Anita Dunn lobbying for Keystone XL

Recall that Anita Dunn left the White House after Glenn Beck played a high school graduation speech in which Dunn called the murderous Chairman Mao one of her favorite philosophers. Continue reading Keep sharp things away from Bill McKibben: Former Obama communications director and Chairman Mao-lover Anita Dunn lobbying for Keystone XL

New Warmist Meme: ‘Weather whiplash’ — Midwest ‘drought-flood cycle’ is ‘classic’ case

“The term “weather whiplash” is being invoked to describe the drought-flood cycles beginning to take over the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.” Continue reading New Warmist Meme: ‘Weather whiplash’ — Midwest ‘drought-flood cycle’ is ‘classic’ case

Hockey Stick Co-Author wants to talk to Pope on global warming: ‘He’s a guy that would really get it’

Possibly the Pope is the “kinda guy” that can smell BS a mile away. Continue reading Hockey Stick Co-Author wants to talk to Pope on global warming: ‘He’s a guy that would really get it’

Hockey Stick Co-Author Gives Financial Advice: Attacks ExxonMobil, Shell, BP as overvalued because reserves are ‘unusable’

When tree-ring reader Ray Bradley speaks… Continue reading Hockey Stick Co-Author Gives Financial Advice: Attacks ExxonMobil, Shell, BP as overvalued because reserves are ‘unusable’

Hockey Stick Co-Author on Tar Sands: ‘Takes almost as much energy to extract the material as you get out of it.’

False. Continue reading Hockey Stick Co-Author on Tar Sands: ‘Takes almost as much energy to extract the material as you get out of it.’

Hockey Stick Co-Author: “You can’t ‘save’ the climate… it has changed in the past and it will change in the future as climate skeptics point out’

A moment of clarity for Ray Bradley. Continue reading Hockey Stick Co-Author: “You can’t ‘save’ the climate… it has changed in the past and it will change in the future as climate skeptics point out’

Hockey Stick Co-Author Insults Skeptics: “Many don’t believe in evolution… probably haven’t evolved very much themselves. That’s part of the problem.”

1. What does the theory of evolution have to do with the hypothesis of catastrophic manmade global warming? Continue reading Hockey Stick Co-Author Insults Skeptics: “Many don’t believe in evolution… probably haven’t evolved very much themselves. That’s part of the problem.”