Gov. Moonbeam to use cap-and-trade money to balance budget; Air chief Mary Nichols says ‘cap’ only important part of cap-and-tax

No wonder it was nicknamed “cap-and-tax.” Continue reading Gov. Moonbeam to use cap-and-trade money to balance budget; Air chief Mary Nichols says ‘cap’ only important part of cap-and-tax

UK gets mid-May snowstorm — FLASHBACK: Climategater says ‘Children just aren’t going to know what snow is’

We all know what the real snowjob has been. Continue reading UK gets mid-May snowstorm — FLASHBACK: Climategater says ‘Children just aren’t going to know what snow is’

Institute of Medicine Panel Chairman: ‘Lowering sodium intake too much may actually increase a person’s risk of some health problems’

How many people have suffered needlessly because of the junk science-based food nanny jihad against salt? Continue reading Institute of Medicine Panel Chairman: ‘Lowering sodium intake too much may actually increase a person’s risk of some health problems’

More EPA Abuse: Agency waives FOIA fees for enviros, charges conservative groups up the wazoo

Personal experience — EPA has jacked up fees for — asking for $7,000+ and $6,000+ for FOIA requests for readily accessible documents concerning EPA’s illegal human testing. Continue reading More EPA Abuse: Agency waives FOIA fees for enviros, charges conservative groups up the wazoo

Barbara Boxer accuses GOP of sexism in opposing EPA nominee Gina McCarthy

“They say they’re for womens’ advancement. Here’s a clear case where they ought to prove it.” Continue reading Barbara Boxer accuses GOP of sexism in opposing EPA nominee Gina McCarthy

Anti-alcohol extremists move to lower driving limit from .08 to .05 — MADD crusade runs into law of diminishing returns

Only a very small percentage of driving fatalities (maybe around 1.5% at most) occur among those with blood alcohol content between .05 and .08. It seems that scarce public resources could best be used elsewhere. Continue reading Anti-alcohol extremists move to lower driving limit from .08 to .05 — MADD crusade runs into law of diminishing returns

What Consensus? Two-thirds of climate studies (8,000) from 1991-2011 take no position on cause of global warming

An inconvenient fact from a new study attempting to bolster the 97% consensus myth. Continue reading What Consensus? Two-thirds of climate studies (8,000) from 1991-2011 take no position on cause of global warming

Warmists Retreat: Ice melt, sea level rise, to be less severe than feared

“This is good news” for those who have feared sharper rises, David Vaughan, of the British Antarctic Survey who led the ice2sea project, told Reuters in a telephone interview. Continue reading Warmists Retreat: Ice melt, sea level rise, to be less severe than feared

Another Green Setback: US, EU backtrack on cap-and-trade to reduce shipping emissions

The greens want cap-and-trade (aka “market-based mechanism”) while countries that value shipping trade are would rather stick with efficiency measures. Continue reading Another Green Setback: US, EU backtrack on cap-and-trade to reduce shipping emissions

Green Humanity: Nuremberg-for-Skeptics Guy — ‘Now that Gosnell has been convicted, I’m moving from Not Caring Phase One to Not Caring Phase Two’

Almost makes you wonder why Dave Roberts is so worried about the planet reaching 180-degrees F by the year 2300. Continue reading Green Humanity: Nuremberg-for-Skeptics Guy — ‘Now that Gosnell has been convicted, I’m moving from Not Caring Phase One to Not Caring Phase Two’