“Suggestions that global warming has stalled are a “diversionary tactic” from “deniers” who want the public to be confused over climate change, according to the world’s best-known climate scientist. Prof James Hansen.”
“Suggestions that global warming has stalled are a “diversionary tactic” from “deniers” who want the public to be confused over climate change, according to the world’s best-known climate scientist. Prof James Hansen.”
Hansen is another one of those who “Have learned more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.”
I like that one!
“…the world’s best-known climate scientist. Prof James Hansen…” And Charles Ponzi was the world’s best-known salesman.
From that same article in The Grauniad:
Okay, then. If the planet’s climate is so frelkin’ sensitive to atmospheric CO2 concentrations that “the last time CO2 levels were as high as they are today”</i the sediment proxies upon which the credulous depend for the allegedly historical validity of their conjectures had demonstrated that “temperatures in the region were 8 [degrees Centigrade]” higher than they are today.
So how come temperatures in that same region today are 8 degrees Centigrade lower than they were when those sediment depositions were being laid down?
Calling critters like Hansen “scientists” is rather too much like calling Sid the Science Kid a show about scientific method.
Wow, we “deniers” seem to have powers that even the ICC can’t manage. After all, their ideas would reduce global temps only a fraction of a degree over decades.
Merely by “denying”, we’ve managed to stop GW completely, even in the actual temperatures measured! Behold the POWER OF DENIAL!!!