3 thoughts on “Bill McKibben’s Economics: ‘We have to take the hundred million dollars a day that Exxon spends on finding new oil, and have them spend it on solar panels instead’”

  1. She also collects government welfare for mental disability.

    So does McKibben in a way.

  2. Tee hee hee hee hee. If the “millions spent on exploration” could profitably generate power through solar panels, ExxonMobil would already be building solar plants. After all, we know where the sun shines and we know how to build solar panels. But even with all the risks involved in exploring for carbon fuels, they produce more value than solar does.

  3. I have a friend who thinks she is virtuous and justifies anything that gets her her way as virtuous. She reminds me of McKibben. She also collects government welfare for mental disability.

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