Claim: Global warming caused by CFCs, not carbon dioxide, UWaterloo study says

“Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are to blame for global warming since the 1970s and not carbon dioxide, according to new research from the University of Waterloo published in the International Journal of Modern Physics B this week.” Continue reading Claim: Global warming caused by CFCs, not carbon dioxide, UWaterloo study says

DC ambulance with gunshot victim had to pull over because EPA-required emissions system failed

“The diesel engines at issue are designed to cut power if exhaust filters are not kept clean.” Continue reading DC ambulance with gunshot victim had to pull over because EPA-required emissions system failed

Natural gas industry does a U-ey on climate: No federal climate policy needed

Quite a difference from the days when the American Natural Gas Alliance pushedfor a toughened Waxman-Markey. Continue reading Natural gas industry does a U-ey on climate: No federal climate policy needed

West Virginia GOP Congressman goes wobbly at climate debate: Doing nothing not an option; Something will have to be done

Rep. David McKinley apparently operates under the misperception that, “Congress is, and therefore, it must do something.” Continue reading West Virginia GOP Congressman goes wobbly at climate debate: Doing nothing not an option; Something will have to be done

Meteorological Society president cites global warming disaster movie ‘Day After Tomorrow’ as science

Watch for yourself. Continue reading Meteorological Society president cites global warming disaster movie ‘Day After Tomorrow’ as science

Meteorological Society prez: Can’t ‘cherry pick the data’ — then proceeds to cherry pick the data

American Meteorological Society president Marshall Shepherd wants you to believe that climate change began in 1970. Continue reading Meteorological Society prez: Can’t ‘cherry pick the data’ — then proceeds to cherry pick the data

Meteorological Society prez: Global warming is ‘most grand challenging problem’ children will face in their lifetimes

At his recent Ted Talk, American Meteorological Society president Marshall Shepherd showed a slide of his children: Continue reading Meteorological Society prez: Global warming is ‘most grand challenging problem’ children will face in their lifetimes

NASA sweats astronaut cancer risk from trip to Mars

The dubious point of a manned trip to Mars and other more serious psychological and physiological challenges of that trip aside, a less-than-5% incremental chance of a fatal cancer as calculated from the junk science-based linear non-threshold model would seem to be the last thing to fret. Continue reading NASA sweats astronaut cancer risk from trip to Mars

GOP AGs accuse EPA of stonewalling FOIA requests on sue-settle practice

“EPA is instead making environmental policy on its own and with special interest groups and then forcing the states to comply with these new policies. This is far from what Congress had in mind.” Continue reading GOP AGs accuse EPA of stonewalling FOIA requests on sue-settle practice