UK Parliament climate chair recants on warming: Human action is merely a ‘possible cause’

“Tim Yeo, an environment minister under John Major, is one of the Conservative Party’s strongest advocates of radical action to cut carbon emissions.” Oops. Continue reading UK Parliament climate chair recants on warming: Human action is merely a ‘possible cause’

NYTimes Food Columnist Offers Deadly Advice: ‘Insufficient consumption of sodium is hardly a public health threat’

Wow. Continue reading NYTimes Food Columnist Offers Deadly Advice: ‘Insufficient consumption of sodium is hardly a public health threat’

MSNBC host on climate-Sandy link: ‘Proof is beside the point’

Chris Hayes doesn’t let facts get in the way of his rant against Chris Christy’s agnostic view of a link between global warming and Sandy. Continue reading MSNBC host on climate-Sandy link: ‘Proof is beside the point’

Study: Volcanic — NOT manmade — aerosols in stratosphere cooling planet

“This is also important for discussing the risks and opportunities of climate engineering in a scientifically serious manner.” Continue reading Study: Volcanic — NOT manmade — aerosols in stratosphere cooling planet

Delaware universities get $20 million from taxpayers to scare public about sea-level rise

“The project includes public outreach activities.” Continue reading Delaware universities get $20 million from taxpayers to scare public about sea-level rise