Is Organizing for Action trying to provide cover for Obama on Keystone?

“OFA’s real agenda, though, appears to be to distract environmentalists from the fact that the president is likely to approve the Keystone XL pipeline project.” Continue reading Is Organizing for Action trying to provide cover for Obama on Keystone?

Lamar Alexander to embrace global warming (again) in talk at Oak Ridge

Sen. Alexander will embrace all forms of energy except coal. On the bright side he remains opposed to wind subsidies. Continue reading Lamar Alexander to embrace global warming (again) in talk at Oak Ridge

An Inconvenient Study: Arctic ocean current not dependent on surface climate

Warming-caused ocean current slow-down is a calamity preached by Al Gore and movies like the Day After Tomorrow. Continue reading An Inconvenient Study: Arctic ocean current not dependent on surface climate

Current Wisdom: Hansen’s Extreme Sea Level Rise Projections Drowning in Hubris

“Retired NASA scientist and peripatetic global warming crusader James Hansen has a—let’s put it delicately—unique view of sea-level rise resulting from mankind’s use of fossil fuels. Specifically, he believes global average sea level will rise some 15 to 20 feet by 2095. The central estimate from the most recent report from U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is about 15 inches.” Continue reading Current Wisdom: Hansen’s Extreme Sea Level Rise Projections Drowning in Hubris