IPCC Chief: Oklahoma tornado ‘can’t be related to manmade climate change… not possible. Scientifically… not valid’

See…. Rajendra Pachauri does have at least one honest bone in his body. Continue reading IPCC Chief: Oklahoma tornado ‘can’t be related to manmade climate change… not possible. Scientifically… not valid’

Michael Mann’s Idea of Science? Mother Jones’ lame-o look at tornado frequency for past 10 years

Hokey stick founder Michael Mann retweeted this gem: Continue reading Michael Mann’s Idea of Science? Mother Jones’ lame-o look at tornado frequency for past 10 years

IBD: Senator Blames Okla. Tornado On Climate Change, GOP

Despite no evidence that devastating tornadoes have increased in frequency or intensity due to fossil fuel use, another warm-monger blames the Moore, Okla., disaster on GOP “polluters and deniers.” Continue reading IBD: Senator Blames Okla. Tornado On Climate Change, GOP

Warmist Trenberth admits: ‘Climate change does not change the weather or patterns of weather much’

“Of course, tornadoes are very much a weather phenomenon.” Continue reading Warmist Trenberth admits: ‘Climate change does not change the weather or patterns of weather much’

Barbara Boxer on Oklahoma tornado: ‘Carbon could cost us the planet’

Politico reports:

BOXER RINGS THE BELL ON CLIMATE CHANGE: Sen. Barbara Boxer took to the Senate floor and invoked the Oklahoma tornadoes in her speech on global warming. “This is climate change,” she said. “This is climate change. We were warned about extreme weather. Not just hot weather. But extreme weather. When I had my hearings, when I had the gavel years ago. —It’s been a while — the scientists all agreed that what we’d start to see was extreme weather. And people looked at one another and said ‘what do you mean? It’s gonna get hot?’ Yeah, it’s gonna get hot. But you’re also going to see snow in the summer in some places. You’re gonna have terrible storms. You’re going to have tornados and all the rest. We need to protect our people. That’s our number one obligation and we have to deal with this threat that is upon us and that is gonna get worse and worse though the years.” She also plugged her own bill, cosponsored with Sen. Bernie Sanders that would put a tax on carbon. “Carbon could cost us the planet,” she said. “The least we could do is put a little charge on it so people move to clean energy.”

Read more at Politico.

97% Consensus Study Falsely Classifies Scientists’ Papers — according to scientists who published them

PopularTechnology.net reports: Continue reading 97% Consensus Study Falsely Classifies Scientists’ Papers — according to scientists who published them

Claim: Bullying caused by childhood exposure to secondhand smoke

This is junk science because…

… behavior is a multifactorial phenomenon that was not adequately studied in the least by these knuckleheads.

The media release is below.


Aggressive behavior linked specifically to secondhand smoke exposure in childhood

Groundbreaking study controls for smoking during pregnancy and antisocial parents

This news release is available in French.

Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke in early childhood are more likely to grow up to physically aggressive and antisocial, regardless of whether they were exposed during pregnancy or their parents have a history of being antisocial, according to Linda Pagani and Caroline Fitzpatrick of the University of Montreal and its affiliated CHU Sainte-Justine hospital. No study to date has controlled for these factors. “Secondhand smoke is in fact more dangerous that inhaled smoke, and 40% of children worldwide are exposed to it. Moreover, exposure to this smoke at early childhood is particularly dangerous, as the child’s brain is still developing,” Pagani said. “I looked at data that was collected about 2,055 kids from their birth until ten years of age, including parent reports about secondhand smoke exposure and from teachers and children themselves about classroom behaviour. Those having been exposed to secondhand smoke, even temporarily, were much more likely to report themselves as being more aggressive by time they finished fourth grade.” The study was published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health on May 21, 2013.

Given that it would be unethical to exposure children to secondhand smoke, Pagani relied on longitudinal data collected by Quebec health authorities from birth onward on an annual basis. Because parents went about raising their children while participating in the study, the data provided a natural experiment of variations in the child population of household smoke exposure throughout early childhood. Although no direct causal link can be determined, the statistical correlation suggests that secondhand smoke exposure does forecast deviant behavior in later childhood. The very detailed information collated for the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development enabled her to do something no other researcher has done to date: distinguish the unique contribution of secondhand smoke exposure on children’s later deviant behavior. “Previous studies looking at groups of children have generally asked mothers whether they smoked or not, and how much at each follow-up, rather than asking whether someone smoked in the home where young children live and play,” Dr. Pagani said. “Furthermore, few studies have looked at antisocial behaviour in the parents and even fewer have investigated the subsequent influence of prolonged exposure to secondhand smoke over the long term. None have taken into account the fact that disadvantaged families are less likely to participate in a long study like this one, which of course skews the statistics.”

The statistics are backed by other biological studies into the effects of smoke on the brain. Secondhand smoke comprises 85% sidestream smoke emanated from a burning cigarette and 15% inhaled and then exhaled mainstream smoke. Sidestream smoke is considered more toxic than mainstream smoke because it contains a higher concentration of many dispersed respirable pollutants over a longer exposure period. “We know that the starvation of oxygen caused by smoke exposure in the developing central nervous system can cause low birth weight and slowed fetal brain growth,” Dr. Pagani said. “Environmental sources of tobacco smoke represent the most passive and preventable cause of disease and disability. This study suggests that the postnatal period is important for the prevention of impaired neurobehavioral development and makes the case for the promotion of an unpolluted domestic environment for children.”


Food Police admit no evidence for low-sodium recommendation

The Center for Science in the Public Interest Michael Jacobson’s head is spinning after the Institute of Medicine exposed the junk science behind his call for dramatically reduced sodium intake. Continue reading Food Police admit no evidence for low-sodium recommendation