Chicago Tribune: ‘Worry about food stamp growth, not junk food’

“So lighten up, already. We’re all for reducing obesity, reining in health care costs and prudent spending of taxpayer dollars. But we don’t think the government needs to micromanage the grocery shopping habits of its citizens.” Continue reading Chicago Tribune: ‘Worry about food stamp growth, not junk food’

Measles surges in UK years after vaccine scare

“This year, the U.K. has had more than 1,200 cases of measles, after a record number of nearly 2,000 cases last year. The country once recorded only several dozen cases every year. It now ranks second in Europe, behind only Romania.” Continue reading Measles surges in UK years after vaccine scare

Mother Jones: ‘We Tracked Down Our Biggest [Climate] Troll…and Kind of Liked Him

“We first encountered Hoyt, or as we know him, @hoytc55, several months ago on our Twitter page, taking us to task for our climate coverage. And the screed hasn’t stopped since: In April alone, Hoyt mentioned us on Twitter some 126 times, almost as much as our top nine other followers combined. So we did the only thing we knew how to do: track him down, meet him face to face…and ask a few questions of our own. So we did, in Episode One: Trollus Maximus (above).” Continue reading Mother Jones: ‘We Tracked Down Our Biggest [Climate] Troll…and Kind of Liked Him

Researchers obtain 142-meter long ice core from Everest

Scientists have obtained the longest ice core ever from the Mount Everest, measuring 142 metres, along with two other samples to aid in the study of climate change and provide new insight into global warming. Continue reading Researchers obtain 142-meter long ice core from Everest