Hansen: Stall in global warming a ‘diversionary tactic’ from ‘deniers’

“Suggestions that global warming has stalled are a “diversionary tactic” from “deniers” who want the public to be confused over climate change, according to the world’s best-known climate scientist. Prof James Hansen.” Continue reading Hansen: Stall in global warming a ‘diversionary tactic’ from ‘deniers’

Barbara Boxer, David Vitter wage verbal war at Gina McCarthy vote

“[Boxer] barreled over Vitter’s attempt to respond and pushed on to hold a vote, adding harshly, ‘Well then, can you hold your remarks until after we vote? Because there are certain senators that must leave. If you please, I will sit here for hours and listen to you.'” Continue reading Barbara Boxer, David Vitter wage verbal war at Gina McCarthy vote

Boston Globe claims ‘Obama has been relatively restrained in his use of EPA regulations’

The Boston Globe editorializes:

In fact, Obama has been relatively restrained in his use of EPA regulations, overruling some of Jackson’s recommendations in light of the weak economy. And McCarthy is hardly an environmental firebrand. The efforts to hold off her confirmation seem designed to force her into a defensive posture.

Vitter: EPA FOIA scandal ‘no different than the IRS disaster’

“Shortly after the IRS admitted to targeting conservative groups, it was reported that the EPA has routinely denied fee waiver requests from conservative groups seeking government records, while at the same time, approving such requests to environmental groups.” Continue reading Vitter: EPA FOIA scandal ‘no different than the IRS disaster’