What Consensus? Two-thirds of climate studies (8,000) from 1991-2011 take no position on cause of global warming

An inconvenient fact from a new study attempting to bolster the 97% consensus myth. Continue reading What Consensus? Two-thirds of climate studies (8,000) from 1991-2011 take no position on cause of global warming

Warmists Retreat: Ice melt, sea level rise, to be less severe than feared

“This is good news” for those who have feared sharper rises, David Vaughan, of the British Antarctic Survey who led the ice2sea project, told Reuters in a telephone interview. Continue reading Warmists Retreat: Ice melt, sea level rise, to be less severe than feared

Another Green Setback: US, EU backtrack on cap-and-trade to reduce shipping emissions

The greens want cap-and-trade (aka “market-based mechanism”) while countries that value shipping trade are would rather stick with efficiency measures. Continue reading Another Green Setback: US, EU backtrack on cap-and-trade to reduce shipping emissions

Green Humanity: Nuremberg-for-Skeptics Guy — ‘Now that Gosnell has been convicted, I’m moving from Not Caring Phase One to Not Caring Phase Two’

Almost makes you wonder why Dave Roberts is so worried about the planet reaching 180-degrees F by the year 2300. Continue reading Green Humanity: Nuremberg-for-Skeptics Guy — ‘Now that Gosnell has been convicted, I’m moving from Not Caring Phase One to Not Caring Phase Two’

Soros-backed ProPublica admits to receiving from IRS confidential docs on conservative groups — last November!

Appalling… and what took the holier-than-thou ProPublica so long to ‘fess up? Continue reading Soros-backed ProPublica admits to receiving from IRS confidential docs on conservative groups — last November!

Report: US shale oil supply shock shifts global power balance

“A steeper-than-expected rise in US shale oil reserves is about to change the global balance of power between new and existing producers.” Continue reading Report: US shale oil supply shock shifts global power balance

Study: Waist to height ratio ‘more accurate than BMI’

“Measuring the ratio of someone’s waist to their height is a better way of predicting their life expectancy than body mass index (BMI), the method widely used by doctors when judging overall health and risk of disease, researchers said.” Continue reading Study: Waist to height ratio ‘more accurate than BMI’

Food Police join dead-enders on salt: “It would be a shame if this [expert] report convinced people that salt doesn’t matter”

What can one expect? The Center for Science in the Public Interest has been attacking dietary salt since its inception in the 1970s. Continue reading Food Police join dead-enders on salt: “It would be a shame if this [expert] report convinced people that salt doesn’t matter”