Food Police chief says ‘corporate power’ stops FDA from banning salt, sugar, fat; Guess what — CSPI is a $17 million ‘corporation’!

So it wouldn’t be “corporate power” if Michael Jacobson’s Center for Science in the Public Interest was successful in pressuring the FDA to make food taste worse? Continue reading Food Police chief says ‘corporate power’ stops FDA from banning salt, sugar, fat; Guess what — CSPI is a $17 million ‘corporation’!

UK economist Nicholas Stern: Global warming to make ‘armed conflict a permanent feature of life on Earth’

As reported by Energy & Environment Magazine: Continue reading UK economist Nicholas Stern: Global warming to make ‘armed conflict a permanent feature of life on Earth’

Sen. Whitehouse: No ‘nanny God’ to clean up carbon pollution for us; Suggests deniers are the root of all evil

And then he relates a story with a nanny God. Continue reading Sen. Whitehouse: No ‘nanny God’ to clean up carbon pollution for us; Suggests deniers are the root of all evil

Weather Channel: Global warming to kill off bunny — What, the polar bear scare failed?

Headline: “Could This Bunny Become a Casualty of Climate Change?” Continue reading Weather Channel: Global warming to kill off bunny — What, the polar bear scare failed?

Obama group slams Boehner, GOP skeptics as ‘tin foil hat-wearing, believer in unicorns’

“It’s all part of an effort to help Obama sell his program to reduce carbon emissions and deal with global warming, a key topic of his second Inaugural Address.” Continue reading Obama group slams Boehner, GOP skeptics as ‘tin foil hat-wearing, believer in unicorns’

New Warmist Factoid: Global warming displaced 32 million from their homes in 2012 — US is 75% of developed nation displacement

“Natural disasters forced 32.4 million people from their homes in 2012, with climate and weather hazards such as floods and storms causing 98 percent of the displacement, a report said on Monday.” Continue reading New Warmist Factoid: Global warming displaced 32 million from their homes in 2012 — US is 75% of developed nation displacement