Eco-Imperialist Bill McKibben tells economically troubled Iceland to stop oil exploration

“McKibben said that it would be an important step in breaking the ice if a county announced that it would not extract oil, gas or coal despite it being available.” Continue reading Eco-Imperialist Bill McKibben tells economically troubled Iceland to stop oil exploration

Claim: Kids living near ‘toxic waste sites’ get more lead, may have lower IQs

No kids were tested for IQ! So how do they know higher lead levels are even statistically associated with lower IQs? Continue reading Claim: Kids living near ‘toxic waste sites’ get more lead, may have lower IQs

Enviros attack Hansen for nuclear power support

He’s a “policy flake” and “radically downplays the risk of nuclear power.” Apaprently, Hansen is not a believer in the linear nonthreshold model of cancer risk — so he’s not all bad. Continue reading Enviros attack Hansen for nuclear power support

Post-NewTown anti-gun junk science starts: ‘Nearly 20 percent of suicidal youths have guns in their home’

This kind of junk is why there is opposition to the CDC conducting gun research. Continue reading Post-NewTown anti-gun junk science starts: ‘Nearly 20 percent of suicidal youths have guns in their home’