Climategate Cover-up: UK court permits UEA’s ‘independent review’ committee to withhold documents, evidence from public

Apparently, the review of so “independent” that the University of East Anglia doesn’t have access to any of the evidence submitted to the review committee. Continue reading Climategate Cover-up: UK court permits UEA’s ‘independent review’ committee to withhold documents, evidence from public

Gov. Moonbeam blames global warming for Calif. fires — and “people in charge” for not “doing what it takes to slow down climate change”

Better start clearing out that underbrush, Jerry. Continue reading Gov. Moonbeam blames global warming for Calif. fires — and “people in charge” for not “doing what it takes to slow down climate change”

Shock: Waxman aide admits 2007 Supreme Court climate case decided wrong; Congress ‘not focused on climate’ in 1990 Air Act

Massachusetts v. EPA should be reversed… and there is now evidence to do so. Continue reading Shock: Waxman aide admits 2007 Supreme Court climate case decided wrong; Congress ‘not focused on climate’ in 1990 Air Act

Appeals court upholds local fracking bans in NY

New York municipalities can use local zoning laws to ban the practice of hydraulic fracturing to drill for natural gas, a mid-level state appeals court said last week. The town of Skaneateles used a series of zoning laws to prohibit heavy industry last year. Continue reading Appeals court upholds local fracking bans in NY

War Between the States: Shale gas states warn EPA not to employ sue-and-settle trick with Northeast states to regulate fracking

“Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt was joined by 12 states Friday in a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency warning administrators not to employ its backdoor “sue and settle” tactic to regulate hydraulic fracturing and oil production.” Continue reading War Between the States: Shale gas states warn EPA not to employ sue-and-settle trick with Northeast states to regulate fracking

Anti-fracking Occupy the Pipeline claims shale gas planned for NYC is 70 times more radioactive than conventional natural gas

The activists estimate that, ultimately, Marcellus shale gas have 3x more radon than Gulf Coast gas. But this exposure level presents no demonstrable risk of lung cancer — despite the 30,000+ estimated by the activists. The EPA touted lung cancer risk from residential radon was debunked long ago by the University of Pittsburgh’s Bernie Cohen. Continue reading Anti-fracking Occupy the Pipeline claims shale gas planned for NYC is 70 times more radioactive than conventional natural gas

NYTimes health columnist slammed for knee-jerk anti-salt column

“There’s just one problem with this rosy forecast that Brody neglects to mention: There has never been a study that’s definitively proven that we can save any lives – let alone a million of them – by reducing our intake of sodium from current levels.” Continue reading NYTimes health columnist slammed for knee-jerk anti-salt column

Merkel 2-Face: Shale gas ‘won’t be enough’ to curb U.S. emissions; More renewables needed

But Germany abandoned its renewable targets in 2012 and is building more coal-fired power. Continue reading Merkel 2-Face: Shale gas ‘won’t be enough’ to curb U.S. emissions; More renewables needed