Un-divesting: Enviro groups stocked with fossil fuel investments; Nature Conservancy has $22.8 million in energy sector

Comrade Naomi Klein exposes the hypocrisy of her allies. Continue reading Un-divesting: Enviro groups stocked with fossil fuel investments; Nature Conservancy has $22.8 million in energy sector

Study: ‘Green’ hot water systems fail to deliver on promises

Two researchers affiliated with the Virginia Tech College of Engineering have published a paper which reports that hot water recirculating systems touted as “green,” actually use both more energy and water than their standard counterparts. The research found that the “so-called green” hot water recirculation systems used more net water than the conventional systems after accounting for water needed to produce the extra energy. Continue reading Study: ‘Green’ hot water systems fail to deliver on promises

Video: 50 to 1 — The cost of ‘action’ on climate change

Fundraiser video for the 50 to 1 project, a video/web/interview project which reveals the true cost of political ‘action’ on climate change: 50 times more expensive than adapting to climate change as it happens!!! You can find the fundraiser itself at www.indiegogo.com (search: 50 to 1). Continue reading Video: 50 to 1 — The cost of ‘action’ on climate change

Warmist on NPR: Freak May snowstorm is weather, not climate — but global warming is to blame anyway

Warmist Paul Huttner can’t go three sentences without contradicting himself. Continue reading Warmist on NPR: Freak May snowstorm is weather, not climate — but global warming is to blame anyway

The Economist: ‘Betting against tough climate policies seems almost prudent’

Skepticism is becoming more prudent everyday as warmism fades into the abyss where eugenics lies. Continue reading The Economist: ‘Betting against tough climate policies seems almost prudent’

UK energy secretary urges education secretary to reinstate climate change on curriculum

“Michael Gove is seeking to slim down the curriculum, but his critics claim the omission of climate change from key stage 3 geography is an attempt to downgrade its significance, and even its validity.” Continue reading UK energy secretary urges education secretary to reinstate climate change on curriculum

New Consensus: 97.3% in liberal Daily Kos poll say Michael Mann distorts evidence or should be fired

“A full year of internet polling has established a 97.3% consensus among 5568 voters at the highly-liberal-warmist website The Daily Kos that Michael Mann is either ‘distorting evidence to prove his point’ or ‘should be fired from the university.'” Continue reading New Consensus: 97.3% in liberal Daily Kos poll say Michael Mann distorts evidence or should be fired

EPA report admits pesticides NOT yet linked with bee health or decline; But agency media release blames pesticides anyway

We’ll follow media coverage, but expect the MSM to go with the scary media release and not the report. Continue reading EPA report admits pesticides NOT yet linked with bee health or decline; But agency media release blames pesticides anyway

Bill Gates Hypocrisy: Foundation of billionaire warmist has $1 billion invested in ExxonMobil and BP

Just the other day, Bill Gates was lamenting the irony of the world’s poor being made to suffer from the carbon emissions of the world’s wealthy. Continue reading Bill Gates Hypocrisy: Foundation of billionaire warmist has $1 billion invested in ExxonMobil and BP