Paper: EPA asking enviros to return personal data on farmers ‘like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube’

“The Environmental Protection Agency endangered about 80,000 farmers and ranchers and their families — and showed whose side it’s really on — by releasing personal information on them to radical environmental groups.”

Read more at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

2 thoughts on “Paper: EPA asking enviros to return personal data on farmers ‘like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube’”

  1. But that would never happen. Because there are no skeptics who would host such a list on their website.
    We are good people.
    The enviro’s on the other hand…

    Name one who wouldn’t list every name, number, address, personal histories, names and addresses of skeptics extended families. Whatever they could get their scummy hands on.

    It’s because that’s who they are. What is Desmog blog after all?

  2. I wonder how the EPA would feel about the same information being released to the public on their 17,000+ employees?

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